Veterinary Science


The Veterinary Science CPU explores the variety of careers available in the animal health care field. Students discover a wide range of skills and procedures from basic animal care and first aid to surgical procedures, suturing, and CPR. By using realistic trainers, students practice and explore many of the common skills used in the veterinary environment. These models provide hands-on experience in veterinary skills such as restraining for venipuncture and muzzling.





National Pathways Standards and Accountability Criteria

Module Equipment Includes

Student Workbook, Instructor’s Manual, Installation CD, Skills CartTM, Pet Emergency First Aid Dogs DVD, Stuffed Dog, Suture Tutor Skills Kit, Dog Leg Venipuncture Trainer, Feline Dissection Model, Canine Jaw Model, Canine Toothbrush and Toothpaste, Surgical Gown, Surgical Gloves, Surgical Scrub, Gauze Anesthetics

Computer and supplies are required and sold separately.

Part # and Description




Curriculum Specifications

The student workbook contains concise hands-on procedures, illustrations, screen captures, and photographs that reinforce the multimedia content. Special attention is placed on interesting and relevant graphics to encourage visual learning. DEPCO Studio is an effective curriculum delivery system that uses the power of the computer to deliver educational content. By using interesting digital videos, full-color animations, professional quality narrations, challenging interactions, relevant photographs, and Computer Aided Instruction (CAI), DEPCO has modernized the way subject matter is taught. Modules are 15 units consisting of: 10 basic activity days with Pre-Test, Post-Test, and Activity Review Questions; 5 enrichment activities include: vocabulary reinforcement, problem-solving, open-ended challenges, careers, and Internet activities. An instructor's section includes: lesson plan outlines, installation instructions, and answer keys.