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Offered by DEPCO in:

Microburst Learning

Have your students explore jobs online for a possible career choice or to affirm the desire to pursue a career. Use well-developed teaching plans that meet the national standards. What thoughts come to mind as you plan job shadowing experiences for your students: simple to arrange, innovative, interactive? MicroCareerBursts – Microburst Learning’s online job shadows – are just that! These unique job shadow experiences excite students about career possibilities and tie what they're learning in school to the world of work.

As a supporter of K-12 education, we at Microburst Learning know that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work when it comes to preparing young people for the future. Our comprehensive inventory of MicroCareerBurst lessons features career options for all types of personalities, skill sets, and education levels (ranging from requiring a high school diploma to advanced degrees). Each highly engaging MicroCareerBurst includes interactive slides, exploration, games, avatars, videos, and scenarios.

Top 5 reasons for exploring MicroCareerBursts:

  1. Explore a variety of careers available in today’s workforce.
  2. Hear what real people say about their jobs – what they like and why they like it!
  3. Make the connection between classes in school with the world of work.
  4. Learn which skills and training make students hireable.
  5. Discover ways to prepare for an exciting future!

Our MicroCareerBursts are not just exploration but affirmation. MicroCareerBursts allow students to validate their drive toward a potential career. If you are interested in learning more about our MicroCareerBursts, please contact DEPCO, LLC at 800.767.1062 for a demonstration.
